
Protectors of the Realm

Every success of the Rora project is dependant on each and every member that joins our community. We all work together to protect the realm.

Being an active member pays, literally..

In order to change the future for better, it is our responsibility as Guardians to help Rora stop the greedy Cyclaws from concentrating power behind the back of society and create a monopoly of power.

Participate in daily Guardian Bounties posted in our Discord/Telegram and get rewarded for spreading the word about us on social media. Every day participants will earn rewards in $RORA. Let everyone know that they should front-run greedy entities so we can turn the tables!

The future of RORA

We will make sure to create a healthy relationship with our holders and continuously host fun activities which incentivize people to get familiar with our concept and lore.

We want to attract creative minds with all kinds of skillsets to build with us. There is enough space for everyone in the Rora Realm!

Last updated